GREEN-LAWN Treatment Co. is a professional Lawn and Tree Care company servicing Cape Cod and Eastern Massachusetts. We specialize in Aeration, Overseeding, Fertilization, Hydroseeding, Weed Control, Grub Control, and Insect Management.
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Green-Lawn Specialists follow a 12 point Lawn Analysis as a guide for your lawn care program.

1. Grass Types: Most lawns are not made up of one single grass type. They are a blend of several. Green-Lawn specialists know which types are prevalent, this is necessary in order to provide the best care.

2. Soil Type: The type and condition of your soil can determine your lawn’s needs. If soil is compacted, core aeration is recommended. Green-Lawn specialists use only the finest equipment to aerate your lawn without causing unnecessary damage to your turf.

3. Lawn Diseases: There are many types of diseases that can affect the appearance and health of your lawn. Diseases are very difficult to predict and we cannot guarantee your lawn will not be affected by a disease. However, if a disease becomes a problem, Green-Lawn Lawn Specialists can provide the proper treatment to help your lawn recover it’s optimum health and color.

4. Insects: Thousands of insects live in your grass. Most are helpful, while some threaten your lawn’s existence. It’s necessary to know if damaging insects are present in your area so they can be prevented or controlled. Green-Lawn’s Program incorporates pest prevention and control techniques so you always have the best lawn possible.

5. Turf Density: It’s necessary to keep your lawn thick because dense, healthy turf discourages weeds and crabgrass.

6. Thatch: Thatch is a zone of living and dead leaves, roots and stems just above the soil. Too much thatch will reduce a lawn’s ability to respond to lawn fertilizers and affects how much watering it needs. Disease and insect problems can be much greater where excessive thatch is found.

7. Color: The color of your grass says a lot about it’s health. A light colored lawn could mean it’s missing important nutrients. Different varieties of turf have different colors and intensities of green. Green-Lawn’s special greening agent always allows your grass to look its very best.

8. Broadleaf Weeds: Some weeds are difficult to control. Other weeds spread very rapidly and can choke out your grass. It’s best to have a Green-Lawn specialist prescribe and apply the proper weed controls for best results. Green-Lawn’s program incorporates the latest in weed control so that your lawn always looks its best.

9. Shade: Your lawn’s exposure to sunlight and shade helps determine the type of grass that grows best in your lawn. Some lawns cannot be improved because the wrong turf is trying to grow in the wrong area. Green-Lawn specialists will recommend the correct turf type for your specific shade conditions.

10. Mowing: Unfortunately most homeowners do not mow their lawn correctly. Cutting grass too low or infrequently can cause the lawn to turn brown and increases its susceptibility to weeds, diseases, and crabgrass. A Green-Lawn specialist will recommend the correct height and frequency for your lawn to be mowed.

11. Watering: The amount of water your lawn receives is critical to its health. Improper watering is usually the cause of pale, sparse turf, many diseases, and most weed problems. A careful analysis will be done on each visit by your specialist and their recommendations will be left for you.

12. Potential: Some Lawns, no matter how much work is put into them, will never look as lush and healthy as others. Beware of those who promise the guarantee of a perfect lawn. You will be disappointed.